Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essays on learning styles

Essays on learning styles

essays on learning styles

Abstract. The paper aims to discuss learning styles and multiple intelligences, as well as their implications in sports. The current discussion is design to see, whether learning styles impact the quality of education and instruction in sports. The paper shows that learning styles in an intramural basketball team mutually influence each other Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner The idea of learning styles have been around for many years. Benjamin Franklin once said: 'Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn'. This quote is all about learning styles and how one does not learn from audio or visual but from kinaesthetic learning. However, the studies done on the topic have been inconclusive and unable to be proven that such learning styles do exist

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Paper Types. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. The paper aims to discuss essays on learning styles styles and multiple intelligences, as well as their implications in sports.

The current discussion is design to see, whether learning styles impact the quality of education and instruction in sports. The paper shows that learning styles in an intramural basketball team mutually influence each other.

Professionals in education are increasingly attentive to the learning styles, to which different groups of learners adhere or which they display in the process of acquiring new knowledge. While some of them will tend to use essays on learning styles information as the key to primary and secondary knowledge, others will be more likely to rely on their tactile or auditory senses to facilitate the process of knowledge delivery.

It appears that for educator to know and understand different learning behaviors also means to be able to develop and use more appropriate criteria for teaching inventories and strategies. Learning styles are particularly important in sports, because it is generally believed that kinesthetic and tactile learners will have better chances to succeed in sports. This paper aims to investigate the relevance of learning styles in sports and their impact on sports performance.

Professional understanding of the learning styles is directly linked to the so-called instructional preference, or instructional styles and approaches, which professionals in education choose to fit specific needs and criteria of learners. In simpler terms, essays on learning styles should utilize their knowledge of learning styles to develop the most effective instructional interventions. Visual learners use their visual perceptions and visual information to facilitate the process of knowledge delivery.

Moreover, for visual learners, the more pictures and visual aids the teacher uses in classroom, the more effective the learning process for visual learners will be. Illustrations in the form of diagrams, schemes, flipcharts, and video presentations work to improve the quality of the learning process and help visual learners absorb information LD Pride, In distinction from visual learners, auditory learners prefer using verbal means of teaching and learning in classroom and beyond.

They actively engage in oral discussions and prefer talking to watching or touching. That is why many auditory learners use tape recorders to record lectures and to use this information later when preparing their homework and exams.

That is why auditory learners will require that instructors and educators use as much verbal information as possible in order to make the material clear and to make sure that auditory learners can grasp its meaning. Physical impression is the central source of knowledge for those, who consider themselves kinesthetic.

Thus, they rely on their own physical activity and explore the world through tactile responses LD Pride, Researchers generally assume that sports is the most effective and the most interesting area of studies for tactile learners LD Pride,but it is difficult to say whether auditory and visual learners have fewer chances to succeed in sports studies. To better understand the topic and to analyze the implications, which learning styles have in sports, it is not enough to know the basic learning styles.

The theory of multiple intelligences will help create a more objective picture of how learning styles interact with sports. Howard Gardner is fairly regarded as the author and the central figure in the development of multiple intelligences theory in education. In his work, Gardner described eight major intelligences which, essays on learning styles, in distinction from the discussed learning styles, create a more detailed and specific picture of learning and could serve the basis for developing more effective instructional approaches in sports and other disciplines.

Also, linguistic learners have better abilities to use language to express themselves and do not find it difficult to remember large amounts of information. Logical-mathematical intelligence involves logic, essays on learning styles. Gardner shows logical-mathematical learners as those, who can think deductively, apply reason, and justify their claims, and for these reasons they are good scientists and mathematicians. In these individuals, mental abilities are essays on learning styles combined with bodily movements.

It would be fair to say that in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, mind and body work concertedly to achieve specific learning or other objectives. Certainly, intelligences are rarely expressed in the form described by Gardner. More often than not, individuals are characterized by a combination of learning styles and intelligences, one of which is dominant and the rest are complementary. For example, musical learners can also be linguistic and intrapersonal. However, when it comes to kinesthetic style, there are specific features, which distinguish such learners from the rest of the learning mass.

First of all, such learners are more physically active than other learners, and it is natural for them to choose sports as an easy means of expressing their learning attitudes. Second, because of their increased movement and physical activity, such learners display better results in sports, in distinction from those who are auditory or visual, because the latter would prefer watching and listening to participating. Third, kinesthetic learners choose sports because of experiential learning opportunities, which sports provide.

I learn to touch and touch to learn. I love physical activity and view sports as an excellent instrument of learning participation. However, as future professional, I also believe that coaches should have detailed knowledge of learning styles and understand their instructional implications. Essays on learning styles sports is mostly preferred by kinesthetic learners, coaches and professionals in physical education seem already prepared to tackle with the difficulties, which kinesthetic learners experience in the process of acquiring knowledge.

In reality, and it is difficult not to agree to Peters, Jones and Petersthe nature of sports and learning styles are in constant interrelationships and mutually affect each other. For these reasons, education professionals should be prepared to the changes, which learners undergo in the process of their educational growth and maturation. In reality, those who are kinesthetic also require auditory and visual skills to grasp the meaning of physical exercise, to follow the norms and standards in sports, and to be able to repeat what the coach shows during the lesson.

Moreover, recent research findings show learners as those, who usually prefer more than one learning style and thus create a real challenge to instructional designers and coaches.

As a result, while kinesthetic learners consciously choose sports for experiential learning, auditory and visual learners will also display better kinesthetic abilities in sports. That is why, on the one hand, kinesthetic learners will find it easier to achieve excellence in the intramural basketball team and, on the other hand, auditory and visual learners will also have a chance to succeed in sports, being influenced and motivated by the nature of physical activity.

That the learner is kinesthetic does not necessarily guarantee that this learner will become an excellent sportsman. It is very probable, that such learners will show better progress compared to other visual essays on learning styles auditory learners, but without reasonable auditory and visual learning abilities, kinesthetic learners will fail to adjust to the changing learning environments. In their study, Peters, Jones and Peters write that there are no strong correlations between preferred learning styles and different approaches to study, essays on learning styles, which means that there are no, even anecdotal, proofs to the fact that sports students prefer using their kinesthetic abilities to other skills.

As a result, essays on learning styles, learning styles and sports display complex interrelationships. Kinesthetic learners are more likely to become a part of the intramural basketball team. However, essays on learning styles, instructional approaches in basketball should not be limited to kinesthetic skills, but should also target auditory and visual abilities in students because a these skills are necessary to succeed in sports, and because b learners in sports can exercise more than one preferred learning style, which can make participation in an intramural basketball team problematic and even impossible.

Educational theory operates three different definitions of the learning style — it is generally believed that there are visual, essays on learning styles, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Gardner and Hatch divided learning preferences into eight different groups, thus creating the theory of multiple intelligences. It is generally assumed that in sports, kinesthetic learning style is preferred and that kinesthetic learners have better chances to succeed in sports.

Although kinesthetic learners consciously choose physical activity and experiential learning, the relationship between sports and learning is much more complex.

Gardner, H. Multiple intelligences go to school: Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences. Educational Researcher, 18 8 : LD Pride. Learning styles, essays on learning styles. Peters, D. Learning styles and approaches to studying in sports-related programs: Relationships to academic achievement and implications for successful learning, teaching and assessment.

Sims, S, essays on learning styles. The importance of learning styles: Understanding the implications for learning, course design, and education. Greenwood Publishing Group. Why I Chose to Attend College, Outline Example, essays on learning styles. Effects of Autism on the Successful Achievement of Life Tasks During the Developmental Stages of Lifespan, Research Paper Example.

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Get a Free E-Book! Essays on learning styles Styles, Research Paper Example. Pages: 8 Words: Research Paper. Need a custom Research Paper written for you? HIRE A WRITER! Abstract The paper aims to discuss learning styles and multiple intelligences, as well as their implications in sports. Introduction Professionals in education are increasingly attentive to the learning styles, essays on learning styles, to which different groups of learners adhere or which essays on learning styles display in the process of acquiring new knowledge.

Learning Styles Professional understanding of the learning styles is directly linked to the so-called instructional preference, or instructional styles and approaches, which professionals in education choose to fit specific needs and essays on learning styles of learners. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner is fairly regarded as the author and the central figure in the development essays on learning styles multiple intelligences theory in education.

Kinesthetic Learners and Sports Certainly, intelligences are rarely expressed in the form described by Gardner. Conclusion Educational theory operates three different definitions of the learning style — it is generally believed that there are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, essays on learning styles.

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essays on learning styles

Abstract. The paper aims to discuss learning styles and multiple intelligences, as well as their implications in sports. The current discussion is design to see, whether learning styles impact the quality of education and instruction in sports. The paper shows that learning styles in an intramural basketball team mutually influence each other Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner The idea of learning styles have been around for many years. Benjamin Franklin once said: 'Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn'. This quote is all about learning styles and how one does not learn from audio or visual but from kinaesthetic learning. However, the studies done on the topic have been inconclusive and unable to be proven that such learning styles do exist

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