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Human cloning essays

Human cloning essays

human cloning essays

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Human genome project

Human nature is a concept that denotes the fundamental dispositions and characteristics—including human cloning essays of thinkinghuman cloning essays, feelingand acting —that humans are said to have naturally. This usage has proven to be controversial in that there is dispute as to whether or not such an essence actually exists. Arguments about human nature have been a central focus of philosophy for centuries and the human cloning essays continues to provoke lively philosophical debate.

Accordingly, the concept also continues to play a role in fields of sciencesuch as neurosciencepsychologyand social science such as sociologyin which various theorists claim to have yielded insight into human nature.

The concept of nature as a standard by which to make judgments is traditionally said to have begun in Greek philosophyat least in regard to its heavy influence on Western and Middle Eastern languages and perspectives, human cloning essays. This, in turn, has been understood as also demonstrating a special connection between human nature and divinityhuman cloning essays, whereby human nature is understood in terms of final and formal causes.

More specifically, this perspective believes that nature itself or a nature-creating divinity has intentions and goals, including the goal for humanity to live naturally. Such understandings of human nature see this nature as an "idea", or " form " of a human. Against Aristotle's notion of a fixed human nature, the relative malleability of man has been argued especially strongly in recent centuries—firstly by early modernists such as Thomas HobbesJohn Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

In his Emile, or On EducationRousseau wrote: "We do not know what our nature permits us to be. Charles Darwin 's theory of evolution has particularly changed the shape of the discussion, supporting the proposition that mankind's ancestors were not like mankind today. Still, more recent scientific perspectives—such as behaviorismdeterminismand the chemical model within modern psychiatry and psychology—claim to be neutral regarding human nature.

As in much of modern science, such disciplines seek to explain with little or no recourse to metaphysical causation. Philosophy in classical Greece is the ultimate origin of the Western conception of the nature of things. According to Aristotlethe philosophical study of human nature itself originated with Socrateswho turned philosophy from study of the heavens to study of the human things.

It is clear from the works of his students, Plato and Xenophonand also from the accounts of Aristotle Plato's studentthat Socrates was a rationalist and believed that the best life and the life most suited to human nature involved reasoning, human cloning essays. The Socratic school was the dominant surviving influence in philosophical discussion in the Middle Agesamongst IslamicChristianhuman cloning essays, and Jewish philosophers. The human soul in the works of Plato and Aristotle has a nature that is divided in a specifically human way.

One part is specifically human and rational, being further divided into 1 a part which is rational on its own; and 2 a spirited part which can understand reason. Other parts of the soul are home to desires or passions similar to those found in animals. In both Aristotle and Plato, spiritedness thumos is distinguished from the other passions epithūmíā.

By this account, using one's reason is the best way to live, and philosophers are the highest types of humans, human cloning essays. Aristotle—Plato's most famous student-made some of the most famous and influential statements about human nature. In his works, apart from using a similar scheme of a divided human soul, some clear statements about human nature are made:.

For Aristotle, reason is not only what is most special about humanity compared to human cloning essays animals, but it is also what we were meant to achieve at our best. Much of Aristotle's description of human nature is still influential today. However, the particular teleological idea that humans are "meant" or intended to be something has become much less popular in modern times.

For the Socratics, human nature, and all natures, are metaphysical concepts. Aristotle developed the standard presentation of this approach with his theory of four causeswhereby every living thing exhibits four aspects, or "causes:". For example, an oak tree is made of plant cells matter ; grows from an acorn effect ; exhibits the nature of oak trees form ; and grows into a fully human cloning essays oak tree end, human cloning essays.

According to Aristotle, human nature is an example of a formal cause. Likewise, human cloning essays, our 'end' is to become a fully actualized human being including fully actualizing the mind. Aristotle suggests that the human intellect νοῦςnoûswhile "smallest in bulk", human cloning essays, is the most significant part of the human psyche and should be cultivated above all else.

Human nature is a central question in Chinese philosophy. Mencius argues that human nature is good, [23] [25] human cloning essays human nature as the innate tendency to an ideal state that's expected to be formed under the right conditions. According to Mencian theory, human nature contains four beginnings 端 ; duan of morality : [27]. The beginnings of morality are characterized by both affective motivations and intuitive judgmentssuch as what's right and wrong, deferentialrespectful, or disdainful.

In Mencius' view, goodness is the result of the human cloning essays of innate tendencies toward the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and propriety. Mencius also addresses the question why the human cloning essays for evil is not grounded in human nature.

Mencius sees ritual i. Human cloning essays view of ritual is in contrast to Xunziwho does not view moral sense as an innate part of human nature. Xunzi understands human nature as the basic faculties, capacities, and desires that people have from birth. It must depend on teachers and laws to become correct and achieve propriety and righteousness and then it becomes disciplined.

Human nature is one of the major pillars of Legalism in China. Legalists see the overwhelming majority of human beings as selfish in nature. According to Legalism, selfishness in human nature can not be eliminated or altered by education or self-cultivation. As human nature has an unchanging selfish but satiable core, Han Fei argues that competition for human cloning essays goods during times of scarcity produces disorder, while times of abundance simply mean that people do not fall back into chaos and conflict but not that they are necessarily nice.

Legalists human cloning essays that human selfishness can be an asset rather than a threat to a state. In Han Fei's view, the only realistic option is a political system that produces equivalents of junzi 君子, who are virtuous exemplars in Confucianism but not junzi.

In Christian theology, there are two ways of "conceiving human nature:" The first is "spiritual, Biblical, and theistic"; and the second is " naturalcosmicaland anti-theistic ". As William James put it in his study of human nature from a religious perspective, "religion" has a "department of human nature". Various views of human nature have been held by theologians. However, there are some "basic assertions" in all " biblical anthropology :" [39]. The Bible contains no single "doctrine of human nature".

Rather, human cloning essays, it provides material for more philosophical descriptions of human nature. Catechism of the Catholic Churchhuman cloning essays, under the chapter "Dignity of the human person", provides an article about man as image of God, vocation to beatitudefreedom, human acts, passions, moral conscience, human cloning essays, virtues, and sin. As originally created, the Bible describes "two elements" in human nature: "the body and the breath or spirit of life breathed into it by God".

By this was created a "living soul", meaning a "living person", human cloning essays. Genesis does not elaborate the meaning of "the image of God", but scholars find suggestions. One is that being created in the image of God distinguishes human nature from that of the beasts. A human cloning essays is that mankind possesses an inherent ability "to set goals" and move toward them, human cloning essays.

Adam was created with ability to make "right choices", but also with the ability to choose sin, by which he fell from righteousness into a state of "sin and depravity". By Adam 's fall into sin, human cloning essays, "human nature" became "corrupt", although it retains the image of God.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament teach that "sin is universal. Such human cloning essays "recognition that there is something wrong with the moral nature of man is found in all religions. This condition is sometimes called " total depravity ". which are implanted by nature" all people. Adam embodied the "whole of human nature" so when Adam sinned "all of human nature sinned.

However, the "universality of sin" implies a link to Adam. In the New Testament, human cloning essays, Paul concurs with the "universality of sin". He also makes explicit what the Old Testament implied: the link between humanity's "sinful nature" and Adam's sin [57] In Romans 5Paul writes, "through [Adam's] disobedience humanity became sinful.

The theological "doctrine of original sin" as an inherent element of human nature is not based only on the Bible. It is in part a "generalization from obvious facts" open to empirical observation. A number of experts on human nature have described the manifestations of original i.

Empirical discussion questioning the genetic exclusivity of human cloning essays an intrinsic badness proposition is presented by researchers Elliott Sober and David Sloan Wilson. In their book, Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behaviorthey propose a theory of multilevel group selection in support of an inherent genetic " altruism " in opposition to the original sin human cloning essays for human nature. Liberal theologians in the early 20th century described human nature as "basically good", needing only "proper training and education", human cloning essays.

But the above examples document the return to a "more realistic view" human cloning essays human nature "as basically sinful and self-centered ". Human nature needs "to be regenerated to be able to live the unselfish life". According to the Bible"Adam's disobedience corrupted human nature" but God mercifully "regenerates". The goal of Christ's coming is that fallen humanity might be "conformed to or transformed into the image of Christ who is the perfect image of God", as in 2 Corinthians 4 One of the defining changes that occurred human cloning essays the end of the Middle Ages was the end of the dominance of Aristotelian philosophyand its replacement by human cloning essays new approach to the study of nature, including human nature.

Although this new realism applied to the study of human life from the beginning—for example, in Machiavelli 's works—the definitive argument for the final rejection of Aristotle was associated especially with Francis Bacon.

Bacon sometimes wrote as if he accepted the traditional four causes "It is a correct position that "true knowledge is knowledge by causes.

But of these the final cause rather corrupts than advances the sciences, except such as have to do with human action. The discovery of the formal is despaired of. The efficient and the material as they are investigated and received, that is, as remote causes, without reference to the latent human cloning essays leading to the form are but slight and superficial, and contribute little, if anything, to true and active science.

This line of thinking continued with René Descarteswhose new approach returned philosophy or science to its pre-Socratic focus upon non-human things. Thomas Hobbesthen Giambattista Vicoand David Hume all claimed to be the first to properly use a modern Baconian scientific approach to human things.

Hobbes famously followed Descartes in describing humanity as matter in motion, human cloning essays, just like machines. He also very influentially described man's natural state without science and artifice as one where life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short".

In this view, the mind is at birth a "blank slate" without rules, so data are added, and human cloning essays for processing them are formed solely by our sensory experiences. Jean-Jacques Rousseau pushed the approach of Hobbes to an extreme and criticized it at the same time.

He was a contemporary and acquaintance of Hume, writing before the French Revolution and long before Darwin and Freud. He shocked Western civilization with his Second Discourse by proposing that humans had once been solitary animals, without reason or language or communities, and had developed these things due to accidents of pre-history.

This proposal was also less famously made by Giambattista Vico. In other words, Rousseau argued that human nature was not only not fixed, but not even approximately fixed compared to what had been assumed before him. Humans are political, and rational, and have language now, but originally they had none of these things.

Why We Still Haven't Cloned Humans — It's Not Just Ethics

, time: 5:12

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human cloning essays

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