Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Lower the drinking age essay

Lower the drinking age essay

lower the drinking age essay

Currently, there is a great debate happening about lowering the drinking age. While some people believe drinking age is fine at the age of 21, others believe that drinking age should be lowered. Teens should be able to drink alcohol at 18 or 19 without getting in trouble. The legal drinking age that lower the drinking age below 21 lose 10% of their annual federal highway appropriations (Haevens). This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age.a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age Drinking Age: Lower it. After Prohibition, nearly all states adopted a minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one. Then, between and , twenty-nine states lowered the MLDA to eighteen, nineteen, or twenty. Advocacy groups urged states to raise their MLDA to twenty-one

Lowering The Drinking Age Essay Examples - Free Research Paper Topics on blogger.com

Lower the drinking age essay the Drinking Age Everyone knows that it is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of Why is 21 the "magical" age that makes a person intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol?

Sure, some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly, but why not 18 or 35 or 40? This seemingly random number, 21, is associated with adulthood, as if the day a person turns 21 they know lower the drinking age essay and are mature. The drinking age should be lowered to. Should the Drinking Age be Lowered from Twenty-One to a Younger Age When people think of drinking, they think of fun games and parties.

However, this depiction is wrong. When individuals under twenty-one drink, consequences emerge. In the United States, the minimum legal drinking age MLDA is twenty-one. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration NHTSAthe legal drinking age set at twenty-one saves about lives on the road annually James C.

By having the drinking age at twenty-one. underlying issue. Current proposals to lower the minimum legal drinking age to 18 would have some benefits like increasing revenue for bars and liquor stores. However the risks surpass the benefits, lower the drinking age essay.

In some cases this could be true, but lowering the drinking age would be way too risky for themselves and. Despite the problems that would arise, many people are beginning to feel that the drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen. Studies have been made; however, no hard lower the drinking age essay suggesting lowering the minimum drinking age would help have surfaced. Although there are countless studies of how alcohol has many harmful effects on teenagers, there is a great deal of negative criticism about what if the drinking age is lowered.

Some would say the morally right decision is to not allow teens lower the drinking age essay. attention is on the topic of whether or not the drinking age in the Lower the drinking age essay States should be lowered from 21 to Many people have debated about this topic for several years, and there are several different opinions on this topic. Some people think it is dangerous to lower the drinking age; some people support it.

Some children think it is stupid to lower the drinking age; some children support it. However, I strongly believe that the legal drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18 for several.

In the United States, the legal age of drinking is Drinking is huge everywhere you go, some people do it for fun and celebration and some other people do it because they are stressed and need to release stress. At the age 18 many people are heading to college or just graduating high school and younger adults look forward on that beer being handed to them. When the young adults are. that binge drinking is on the rise among college students Eisenberg n.

With an increase of alcohol consumption by underage drinkers, it only seems logical to lower the drinking age to prevent binge drinking, however there are far more consequences to be seen.

Lowering the drinking age to 18 will not solve the binge drinking problem among college students but will cause more problems. In this paper I will explain the reason why lowering the drinking age will not stop binge drinking and the adverse.

proposing the country lowers the legal drinking age? After looking at statistics from the U. and how other countries are affected by their legal drinking ages one would come to a conclusion that 21 is an appropriate age for the United States.

Since young adults have the responsibility of making their own decisions, lower the drinking age essay, and consuming alcohol is one of them, but due to binge drinking, impaired driving, and increased crime rates, alcohol should be off limits to those under the age of In most states. This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age. a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age. In the 25 years since the legal drinking age was set at 21, seven states have tried to lower it.

It is unfair for the federal government to withhold money from states if they exercise their rights to set the legal drinking age. Should they lower the age of drinking to 18? They should not change the age of drinking.

I think at 18 you're barely an adult. At 18 the person is just not mature enough to go out and drink. Why do they drink? People drink because of peer pressure, celebrations, anxiety, and sadness.

Teens fall under the category of people, adults. They think if my parents drink that means I can drink. Teens have not yet reached an age where they can't handle alcohol responsibly, so they are more likely to harm themselves. Home Page Research Lower the Drinking Age Essay examples. Lower the Drinking Age Essay examples Words 6 Pages, lower the drinking age essay. When people turn eighteen they are finally considered an adult. They can join the army, vote, buy cigarettes or tobacco products, get a tattoo and even die for our country.

Although everyone considers that person to be an adult, they are still not old enough to buy or consume alcohol. A person can be responsible enough to live on their own, make their own money, pay their own bills, lower the drinking age essay, and yet they are still not considered old enough to purchase or consume any type of alcohol.

Lowering the drinking age to 18 would help prevent the crime and personal injuries that are caused by alcohol abuse, lower the drinking age essay. Although many states are trying to get the drinking age lowered, there are many groups and national statistics that are keeping the drinking set at These are just a few of the many issues that are keeping most states from lowering their drinking age to It has lower the drinking age essay a rising issue within the past century to have the drinking age set at 21, lower the drinking age essay, but many people are more in favor of having the age set at Many people believe that having the drinking age set at 21 was a smart idea, but it has caused many more deaths and injuries over the years.

Most of these fatalities are cause from people who are underage and choose to consume alcohol, lower the drinking age essay. These groups see that keeping the drinking age set at 21 is dangerous as it causes more problems to the Untied States. If the drinking age was lowered, or set at 18, there would not be such unforgiving outcomes, like deaths and lifelong injuries, which are usually caused from people who are under the age of 21 drinking alcohol.

Although there are numerous groups that are fighting to keep the age. Get Access. Lower the Drinking Age Words 4 Pages Lower the Drinking Age Everyone knows that it is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of Read More, lower the drinking age essay.

Lower Lower the drinking age essay Drinking Age Words 4 Pages Should the Drinking Age be Lowered from Twenty-One to a Younger Age When people think of drinking, they think of fun games and parties. Is it Right to Lower the Drinking Age?

Don't lower the drinking Age Words 5 Pages Despite the problems that would arise, many people are beginning to feel that the drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen.

The Pros And Cons Of Lower The Drinking Age Words 4 Pages attention is on the topic of whether or not the drinking age in the United States should be lowered from 21 to Pros And Cons Of Lower The Drinking Age Words 4 Pages In the United States, the legal age of drinking is To Lower or Not to Lower the Legal Drinking Age to 18, That Is the Question Words 4 Pages that binge drinking is on the rise among college students Eisenberg n. Pros And Cons Of Lower The Drinking Age Words 5 Pages proposing the country lowers the legal drinking age?

Why Lower the Legal Drinking Age? Should They Lower The Age Of Drinking To 18 Words 2 Pages Should they lower the age of drinking to 18? Popular Essays.

Why we should lower the legal drinking age

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Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Essay - Words | Cram

lower the drinking age essay

Currently, there is a great debate happening about lowering the drinking age. While some people believe drinking age is fine at the age of 21, others believe that drinking age should be lowered. Teens should be able to drink alcohol at 18 or 19 without getting in trouble. The legal drinking age that lower the drinking age below 21 lose 10% of their annual federal highway appropriations (Haevens). This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age.a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age Drinking Age: Lower it. After Prohibition, nearly all states adopted a minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one. Then, between and , twenty-nine states lowered the MLDA to eighteen, nineteen, or twenty. Advocacy groups urged states to raise their MLDA to twenty-one

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